

Hey guys there's 2 more things we need to settle for the CIP activities. I already got  some emails asking for confirmation so we need to hurry up. I'll be a bit more serious here.

As I mentioned before we have $100. Up to $30 can be spent on food. The rest must be spent on things like daily necessities. They have requested for bolsters and extra cleaning materials. I've already asked if scrubs are included in the budget. Haven't got a reply yet.

Anyway if we estimate bolsters to be 15 each then 2x15 = 30. We have about 40 more which we need to decide on what to spend on.

I was thinking maybe some interactive games, such as taboo, uno stacko, monopoly etc. It could be quite fun maybe? But I'm not too sure of how much they will approve of such stuff. Besides, after this time it's not too easy for them to make use of it again.

From a brief discussion today we have come up with ideas like a emergency use hamper (lol) I didn't write it down so I can't remember lah my bad... but we need to decide by tomorrow. If you read this very sentence try to ponder for a while then continue reading so we can speed up our discussion.

The second thing is the food which has a cap of 30 dollars. If like 5 people go with them, we have only max 4 bucks per person which isn't a lot. So we need to come up with a place that's CHEAP, yet enjoyable. I am currently thinking of BnJ but I'm not sure how much it really costs. So again we need to discuss tmr.

We don't really need the whole class lah... maybe 6-7 people. So if 1/3 of us come up with great ideas we can do this in 10 minutes. i know alot of us don't care (i don't rly either) but lets just do a good job okay... it doesn't feel very good to know that we've left someone elses house half done and hasn't tended to it since. so ya thanks for everyones cooperation and good night.


09S6B (",)


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